Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog Topic #4 customize this enables a user to customize their blog to fit with their personal website. There are different options available. The simplest is to sign into your blog and click on the link "customize" at the top right of the preview of your blog.
Once you get to the "layout page" you have the option to change your page elements, fonts and colors, html or choose a new template.
Most of the changes you can make are based on the template, like changing the fonts, colors and page elements.
If you are interested in changing the total look of your page and have a good knowlege of html you can change your page more extensively by editing the html of the page, be careful if you do, there are elements in the html that are crucial to the page working correctly.
If you have a template you made yourself you can upload it to your blog.

The fonts and colors tab is fairly straight forward, however I have tried changing the colors and found it not as user friendly as I thought it should be.

I have used the layout page to upload a banner with some artwork that I had previously done.
Also added a couple of gadgets. Gadgets are extra's that you can add to your blog, some are pre-formatted, like the "box" for followers and the search box feature. others give you the ability to put code snippets onto your blog for the purpose of adding third party functionality.

You could for example add html code to create a link on your blog, or you could use the "link list" gadget.

There are options to add photo's, videos or slideshows to the side navigation of you blog.

In essence the gadgets make it simple to add fun things to your blog even if you have little knowlege of coding.

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